Doing It Together is about empowering women and men to heal from cultural messages so that they can discover true pleasure and connection in their sexual relationship and marriage. If you’re looking for a fresh perspective on how to have a great sex life that is truly nourishing, connecting, and fulfilling without any feelings of obligation, duty, or guilt, this is the podcast for you!
IN THIS EPISODE: Figuring out how to make your body “work” can be a frustrating and lonely journey. Even if you can have an O, I often find women report feeling unsatisfied by the mechanical experience. Today on the podcast I’m joined by my good friend, team member, and graduate of Wanting It More, Taneill, to […]
IN THIS EPISODE: In this episode, I do a deep dive into my personal experiences around getting support and seeking out advice along my journey to wanting it more, and I share some practical tips for making sure that you don’t make the same mistakes that I made! I share: RESOURCES MENTIONED: Register for my […]
IN THIS EPISODE: In this episode I am joined by my close friend, B, who is also an alumni of my program, Wanting It More. We chat about her journey over the past 5 years, from feeling obligated in the bedroom to now looking forward to connecting with her husband and empowering herself to establish […]