When Lisa took the Wanting It More program a couple of years ago, she never imagined the valuable lessons she learned to improve her low libido would also come in handy when confronting a medical issue.

Lisa talks in detail about her struggles with body image anxiety and gynecological exams that accompanied her journey to the diagnosis of Lichen Sclerosus, a rare skin disease that causes itchy and painful patches on the vulva. She shares her insights on coping with the diagnosis, navigating the intricacies of the medical system as a woman, and finding solace from the education she received in WIM. She speaks candidly about how this journey has impacted her body confidence and her intimate relationship with her husband, offering hope and inspiration to those facing similar challenges.

Janna’s Program: Wanting It More



Apple podcast link to Wanting it More podcast
Spotify link to Wanting it More podcast
  1. Jill says:

    Thank you for doing an episode about Lichen Sclerosus! My 6 year old was diagnosed last year after dealing with vulvar itchiness and pain while defecating. She was also originally diagnosed with a yeast infection at first, but I noticed that the skin around her vaginal opening and anus were bleached white and after some googling I had my suspicions and scheduled a dermatologist appointment. Thankfully they didn’t ask for a punch biopsy, I can’t imagine how traumatic that would have been for my kindergartener! According to the dermatologist, this condition tends to disappear once puberty hits, then reoccur at or near menopause. Also, something not mentioned in the podcast is that it can cause a heightened risk of skin cancer if not treated. If you have any more tips and tricks for how I can help my daughter navigate this life-long condition, I’d love to hear them!

  2. Emmy says:

    I relate to Lisa so much. I was 30 when I started getting symptoms of LS, but I just ignored the itching and tears, knowing that a doctor would suggest that it was a reaction to a change in soap or similar, so I just treated myself with yeast infection medication. It took about 8 months for me to seek medical attention, and I only did so when I spotted my skin fusing together. My GP was very dismissive because “I’m too young to get LS”, but I eventually secured a referral to a gynecologist who finally diagnosed me with LS. It’s been such a tough journey, and it’s tough knowing that my anatomy is changed irreparably because I didn’t seek treatment sooner. Thank you for spreading the word!!

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